Publicaciones Mónica Pamela Acosta Rodas

Stress And Productivity In Workers Of Textile Companies

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyze the relationship between two psychological factors which are occupation stress and productivity, that influence workers immerse into textile production labor context. Design/methodology/approach – This study has a quantitative methodology, is cross-sectional, nonexperimental and with an explicative scope. Findings – The results of this research allow to identify that occupational stress levels cause a negative impact on worker’s productivity in the textile production area. Research limitations/implications – There are two limitations in this study, first is the participant’s subjectivity when filling the questionnaires because it was self-reported and the second limitation is that the sample is specifically from a city of a South American country. Practical implications – The results of this investigation show as an evidence the need for psychological intervention within companies for occupational stress, because it will impact in a negative way the textile production of a company, which will guide future research making possible to develop and apply psychological treatment programs pro employee’s mental health. Social implications – A textile company with low productivity will bring strong economic losses and even bankruptcy, although, thanks to this study it was possible to identify that occupational stress will have a negative impact in productivity, drawing an important based line to future research, looking to improve worker’s performance and hence, companies’ profits contributing to social economic processes.

Autogestión del aprendizaje del universitario: un aporte en su construcción teórica

Esta revisión tiene como objetivo aportar en la construcción teórica del proceso de autogestión del aprendizaje en estudiantes universitarios. Para este propósito, se han incluido estudios relacionados con la motivación, estrategias de aprendizaje y claves positivas de aprendizaje que aseguran el éxito académico, teniendo en cuenta los desafíos para los profesores y estudiantes del siglo XXI. Se concibe el aprendizaje como un proceso a través del cual se consiguen o modifican no solo conocimientos, sino también habilidades, conductas y valores. Todo este logro y avance es un efecto del estudio, la experiencia, la instrucción, el razonamiento y la observación que se vive en el aula en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje (García, Del Toro, Cisneros, Querts, & Cascaret, 2017). Tomando en cuenta la independencia y autonomía que muestra el estudiante universitario, se puede pensar que el aprendizaje a este nivel trasciende esta definición, ya que cada estudiante tendrá factores tanto internos como externos que influirán en el éxito académico obtenido durante su recorrido en la universidad (Torrano, Fuentes, & Soria, 2017).

The role of inhibitory control in the ability to solve problems of university students. el rol del control inhibitorio en la habilidad para resolver problemas de estudiantes universitarios

The aim of the present study was to analyze the role of inhibitory control in the ability to solve problems of university students. The sample consisted of 90 young people with typical development (M = 20.58, SD= 1.27), 39 females (43.33%) and 51 males (56.7%). The Stroop and the Anillas' Test tasks were applied as instruments. As results, it was found a directly proportional and predictive relationship between inhibitory control and problem-solving of university students (correlation between: r= .34 and .47, p= <.01; prediction: r2= .14, F(1,88)= 13.88, p= <.01). It concludes by reflecting on the contribution of conscious control to solve problems faced by the university student on a day-to-day basis in an efficient way and invites future research in order to train inhibitory control.

Development and validation of a brief scale to assess attachment in adults: psychometric analysis in latin america. desarrollo y validación de una escala breve para valorar el apego en adultos: análisis psicométrico en américa latina

Assessment of the adult attachment in the Latin American context as a research line is not yet solved. This study has the aim to present the results of the development and validation of a scale to assess the adult attachment. The sample was composed of 1563 participants aged between 17 and 33 years from Chile and Ecuador. This scale was formed by 14 items, which allowed the assessment of secure attachment, avoidant attachment, and ambivalent attachment. Results are as following: (a) the scale presented an adequate internal consistency for secure attachment α=.73 and ω=.82, avoidant α=.58 and ω=.70, and ambivalent α=.69 and ω=.73; (b) adequate convergent validity with sense of coherence (r=.34 and .43, p=< .001); (c) the exploratory factor analysis kept up the items’ organization developed KMO=.77, x2=4133.91, p=<.001; and, (d) the confirmatory factor analysis presented a good fit with three items for each attachment type x2(24)=136.28, p=<.001, CFI=.95, RMSEA=.05(.04–.06), SRMR=.03. Findings of psychometric properties are discussed, highlighting the contribution of this scale in the Latin American context and its relationship with previous research. Keywords: secure attachment, avoidant attachment, ambivalent attachment, psychometric properties, attachment scale.

Technology in favor of disability: prevalence study in Ecuador

People with disabilities and special needs are very important part of the society, their needs have not been covered over time. Globalization and technological development helped identify the importance of various groups with disabilities. In Ecuador, this identification allows this social group to be visible and particularly people with visual disabilities, who represent approximately 11% of the population with disabilities. The objective of this research is to identify Ecuador’s cities that maintain a higher prevalence of people with disabilities. To comply with the study, a descriptive analysis was conducted from public information about people registered by the authorized government control body. Obtaining this information makes it possible to establish a baseline of attention with real data, which allows getting a greater focus on the development of this social group and the attention they should receive.

Long-distance relationships: use of technology advances in communication, idealization and satisfaction

Long distance romantic relationships are becoming more and more common nowadays. There can be various concrete reasons that are the causes for this occurrence, among the most common, the pursuit of career opportunities, educational goals, military service, and migratory issues. The aim of this study is answering the question: how is possible to maintain this kind of relationship? This is explained from two variables: the first one refers to the technology advances which help the communication and the second one studied from the psychological periscope, the romantic idealization. It is approach the perception of this new type of relationships in the general population. Understanding technology influences in human life could help to develop more technological advances to the people to feel closer and to keep healthy relationships with themselves and the others, as well, it could bring lights to counseling and psychological therapy.

Rehabilitation of children affected by attention deficit disorder

This paper presents the conceptual development of a technological application for the treatment of children with attention deficit disorder (ADD). This technological application will consist on serious-gaming to stimulate the different levels of attention. The first level is focused in attention and stimulates it by identifying stimuli through tactile interaction with the user. The second level is selective attention, for which, the child must select a stimulus leaving the irrelevant stimuli aside. The third level will work on sustained attention, where the child must fulfill a game with a longer duration. The next level will contain an activity to stimulate alternating attention, where the child must solve two tasks by alternating the focus of attention. Finally, for the divided attention, it must be resolved two tasks at the same time. With this application it is expected to improve the child’s motivation in the treatment and provide an intervention tool for the clinician.

Psychometric Properties Of Adhd Rating Scale In School Context

Background: The ADHD Rating Scale IV (ADHD RS IV) is one of the most commonly used scales in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) assessment. Its psychometric properties have been studied in contexts including Europe and North America, however, in Latin America, there is shortage of empirical evidence about validity or reliability reported by teachers on a scholar context. The aim of the research was to analyze the psychometric properties of the ADHD RS IV based on the behavior of students reported by teachers. Material/methods: Three hundred and forty-five students voluntarily participated in this study (162 men and 183 women), aged between 5 and 15 years (Mage = 10.43, SD = 3.61). As instruments of measurement ADHD RS IV, Perception of Differences Test and Go / No-Go experiment were used. Cronbach's alpha, Pearson correlation and confirmatory factor analysis were applied and analyzed. Results: In the results it was found that internal consistency coefficient of RS IV ADHD is between .93 and .97. There is a significant statistically correlation between the scale and the number of successes points in the Perception of Differences Test (r = -.55, p = < .001) and mistakes to stimuli no-go (r = .34, p = .002). The classic ADHD model of two factors had good indicators of goodness of fit x2(101) = 321.40, p < .001; CFI = .96; RMSEA = .08 (.07 to .09) and SRMR = .04.

Inhibitory Control And Symptomatology Of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Background. Inhibitory control has been described as a factor causing difficulties in the regulation present in the ADHD. Objective. The aim was to analyze the relationship between inhibitory control and symptoms of ADHD in a sample of 81 subjects diagnosed with ADHD (Mage=10.05, SD=2.53). Methods. A quantitative, cross-sectional and correlational scope research was carried out. The instruments used were the ADHD RS IV and SIMON experiment. Correlation inferential statistical regression and regression processes were applied. Results. Three regression models were tested, where inhibitory control presents a significant prediction with the (a) attention deficit F (1,79) =20.69, p= < .01, R =.14. Conclusions. The findings suggest that inhibitory control is one of the main executive functions that determines the degree of affectation of the symptomatology of the child population with ADHD.

Technology in favor of disability: prevalence study in ecuador

People with disabilities and special needs are very important part of the society, their needs have not been covered over time. Globalization and technological development helped identify the importance of various groups with disabilities. In Ecuador, this identification allows this social group to be visible and particularly people with visual disabilities, who represent approximately 11% of the population with disabilities. The objective of this research is to identify Ecuador’s cities that maintain a higher prevalence of people with disabilities. To comply with the study, a descriptive analysis was conducted from public information about people registered by the authorized government control body. Obtaining this information makes it possible to establish a baseline of attention with real data, which allows getting a greater focus on the development of this social group and the attention they should receive.

The Fear Of Learning Statistics In Latin America: Computational Solutions

In Latin American countries, it has been noticed that a high percentage of university students experience negative feelings such as fear, rejection, and inadequate beliefs about the contents taught in statistical courses,resulting in avoidant behaviors towards their learning and student’s low performance. The majority of students are able to obtain the minimum grade required to pass the subject, but, in the end, they do not obtain significant knowledge. This fact has caused many professions in Latin American countries, especially those related to social and human sciences, to show a scientific delay. It is identifiable by the low rankings achieved by these countries in scientific production. In this context, this work focuses on the solutions that computerscience offers and must be considered to improve the experience of learning statistics. In this sense, misconceptions, avoidant behaviors, and negative beliefs towards learning statistics, would be reverted for students and future professionals, as well as the improvement of inappropriate emotional reactions about learning statistical skills. Thanks to technological advances, for example, applications and social networks, which nowadays determine Latin American university student’s daily-life behavior.

Escala reducida para valorar el sentido se coherencia: Soc 15

Introduction: The sense of coherence is a construct of health that allows the individual to face difficult situations of life. It is configured by three factors: meaning, understanding and management. As a method of assessment of this construct, has been proposed the SOC scale with 29 items in its original version. Objective: The objective of this study is to propose a reduced SOC scale . Methods: We worked with a sample of 445 healthy participants from Quito-Ecuador, 145 men (32.5%) and 300 women (67.4%). Results: It was obtained that the reduced scale of 15 items presents an adequate internal consistency in its three factors: understanding α= .74, management α= .82 and meaning α= .82. In the confirmatory factor analysis, an acceptable adjustment of the reduced model was found (SOC - 15 ) x = 317.90, DF= 87, p= &lt;. 001, CFI= .92, RMSEA= .07 (.06-.08) and SRMR= .04. Conclusions: The data is discussed in relation to the benefits of counting with a reduced scale for its future application in the clinical and health scientific context. © 2019 Fundacion para la difusion neurologica en Ecuador - FUNDINE. All rights reserved.