Publicaciones Ana Gabriela Dávila Jácome
Emprendimientos Periodísticos: Una Salida A La Crisis De Las Empresas Informativas.
The current crisis in information companies around the world, as a result of the digital revolution and the global economic crisis, has brought substantial changes in several aspects inherent in this type of organization. One of them is related to the economic income that these companies receive and another to the transformation of the functions that must be done by the journalists who work in them. This has affected the wor¬kforce of the media, which is declining more and more.
Although the digital revolution and the economic crisis are the main causes of this situation in the interna¬tional context, in the national context there are also other factors, such as the media-government relationship that has contributed to the fact that formal work in media Communication, especially in the written press, becomes more com¬plex.
As a result of this reality, new for¬ms of journalism have emerged, initiati¬ves that pose a more independent jour-nalism and less anchored to the formal structures of traditional media. These new projects have been called Entrepre¬neurial journalism.
This article will expose elements that show how Entrepreneurial journa¬lism is developing in the region and in the country through the identification of concrete projects and the analysis of the factors that have influenced the emer¬gence of this tendency. In addition, it will show the business models that the¬se new media are applying to monetize their activity.
La Crisis De Las Empresas Informativas Replantea El Perfil Del Periodista Actual.
La revolución digital, a nivel global, y varios factores propios del contexto local, han transformado a las empresas informativas en todos los ámbitos que las componen. Uno de los cambios más importantes, involucra directamente al periodista, quien ha debido enfrentarse a nuevos escenarios en cuanto a la producción de contenidos, rutinas de trabajo y preferencias de las audiencias. Este artículo expondrá y analizará los elementos que, a la luz del despunte tecnológico y del contexto nacional, han impulsado el pensar en un nuevo perfil profesional del periodista y, en ese sentido, se enfocará en delinear un perfil que abarque nuevas competencias y conocimientos.
Además, analizará la formación que históricamente han brindado las facultades de comunicación y/o periodismo del país y que definirá la convergencia y sus niveles como concepto fundamental para entender las transformaciones que han experimentado los medios de comunicación.