Publicaciones Masapanta Carrión Susana Margarita

Primeros Pasos Para Una Mejora En El Uso De La Taxonomía De Bloom En La Enseñanza De La Informática

En este artículo presentamos los resultados obtenidos de una revisión sistemática que nos permite tener una visión amplia del uso de la taxonomía de Bloom en informática. Entre los resultados, podemos destacar su uso preferente para el aprendizaje de la Programación y para evaluar la actividad de los alumnos, así como la frecuente existencia de dificultades. También presentamos los resultados de analizar las dificultades identificadas por los autores de los artículos revisados, sus posibles causas y las soluciones adoptadas. Por último, indicamos los pasos iniciales que se han seguido para la elaboración de una guía de uso de la taxonomía de Bloom en informática.

Evaluating Instructors’ Classification Of Programming Exercises Using The Revised Bloom’S Taxonomy

It is a well-known fact that different instructors understand Bloom’s taxonomy differently, thus they classify given test exercises into different levels of the taxonomy. The article reports on the impact of training instructors on the use of the taxonomy for programming courses with two innovations: encouraging instructors to classify each exercise into several cognitive processes necessary to solve it, and providing them with a wide range of examples of classified programming exercises. We evaluated the impact of these innovations in two training sessions. In the first session, the revised Bloom’s taxonomy was introduced to the participants, and in the second session, the innovations were presented. In both sessions, participants were asked to classify ten exercises. The results show that classification into several cognitive processes was natural to instructors. However, other results were mixed. On the one hand, accuracy was increased, and confidence was increased for experienced participants. On the other hand, variation was increased, and confidence was decreased for non-experienced participants. Results show that our approach assists instructors in classifying exercises, but higher increases of expert instructors suggest that longer training is necessary for non-expert instructors.

A Systematic Review Of The Use Of Bloom 'S Taxonomy In Computer Science Education

Bloom's taxonomy is a model that allows characterizing students' learning achievements. It is frequently used in computer science education (CSE), but its use is not straightforward. We present a systematic review conducted to know actual use of the taxonomy in CSE. We found that it was mostly used in programming education and to assess students' performance. A more relevant contribution is a classification of authors' difficulties. In particular, the most often reported difficulty is determining the level of the taxonomy where an assessment task can be classified. In addition, we present authors' hypotheses about possible causes of the difficulties and the solutions they adopted.