Publicaciones Miryan Rosita Rivera Iñiguez

Caracterización Molecular De Péptidos Antimicrobianos A Partir De Muestras De Piel De Agalychnis Spurrelli (Anura: Hylidae).

Las secreciones de la piel de Agalychnis spurrelli han probado tener una marcada actividad antimicrobiana sobre diferentes microrganismos patógenos por la presencia de biomoléculas en ellas. Se realizaron análisis moleculares del ARN mensajero de la piel de A. spurrelli para determinar el tipo de péptido antimicrobiano presente en las secreciones cutáneas de esta especie. Para amplificar las secuencias precursoras de los péptidos maduros, se utilizaron iniciadores específicos que contienen secuencias altamente conservadas. Como resultado se obtuvo una secuencia de ADN complementario de 357 pb, la cual fue comparada con sus ortólogos de otras especies de la misma subfamilia Phyllomedusinae, se lograron índices de identidad muy altos para precursores de dermaseptinas. Finalmente, para el análisis de la secuencia de ADN complementario, se tradujo la secuencia nucleotídica por codones, con lo que se obtuvo una secuencia aminoacídica. Dicha secuencia posee las características particulares de péptidos de la familia de las dermaseptinas: una secuencia altamente conservada, una propieza acídica con los aminoácidos Lisina y Arginina y el extremo C-terminal variable. En conclusión, la secreción total de Agalychnis spurrelli contiene un péptido de la familia de las dermaseptinas o un péptido relacionado con ellas.

Comparative Sperm Ultrastructure Of Twelve Leptodactylid Frog Species With Insights Into Their Phylogenetic Relationships

The spermatozoa of representatives of three Neotropical frog subfamilies, Leiuperinae, Leptodactylinae and Paratelmatobiinae, were observed using Transmission Electron Microscopy, with the aim of identifying ultrastructural traits that provide insights into the phylogenetic relationships among these anurans, which are currently unclear. In the leiuperines, spermatozoa of Physalaemus albifrons, P. cicada, P. deimaticus and P. feioi were characterized by an acrosomal vesicle covering the subacrosomal cone that was not observed in the spermatozoa of Physalaemus centralis and P. cuvieri. The tail of the spermatozoa of P. albifrons, P. centralis, P. cicada, P. cuvieri, P. deimaticus, and P. feioi presented a long undulating membrane, whereas Engystomops petersi and E. freibergi, which form a sister clade to Physalaemus, had an axial fiber, which were absent in Physalaemus. Other leiuperine, E. puyango had an abaxonemal bulb-like swelling distally to the paraxonemal rod, which were also absent in Physalaemus. These differences support the revalidation of Engystomops as a true taxon, distinct from Physalaemus. The tail of the spermatozoa of E. petersi and E. freibergi was similar to that of Paratelmatobius poecilogaster (Paratelmatobiinae). The spermatozoa of Leptodactylus natalenis (Leptodactylinae) had undulating membrane and axial fiber, in contrast with Adenomera marmorata, which lacked these structures. Morphological differences between A. marmorata and L. natalensis sperm cells appeared to validate the allocation of A. marmorata into a genus distinct from Leptodactylus. Overall, dissimilarities in the spermatozoa of the leptodactylids provided an important phylogenetic signal for the understanding of their taxonomic relationships.

Chromosome evolution in lophyohylini (amphibia, anura, hylinae)

The hyline tribe Lophyohylini includes 87 species of treefrogs, of which cytogenetics aspects have been studied in less than 20% of them. In order to evaluate the evolution of some of its chromosome characters (NOR position, C-bands, and DAPI/CMA3 bands), we studied the karyotypes of 21 lophyohylines, 16 of them for the first time, and analyzed them in a phylogenetic context. Most species showed similar karyotypes regarding chromosome number (2n = 24) and morphology (FN = 48), excepting Phyllodytes edelmoi and Osteocephalus buckleyi with 2n = 22 (FN = 44) and 2n = 28 (FN = 50), respectively. The NOR location was variable among species and provided valuable phylogenetic information. This marker was located in pair 11 in all species of Trachycephalus, Itapotihyla langsdorffii, and Nyctimantis arapapa, representing the plesiomorphic condition of Lophyohylini. Besides, other apomorphic states were recovered for the clades comprising N. rugiceps and N. siemersi (NOR in pair 5), and Dryaderces pearsoni, Osteocephalus, and Osteopilus (NOR in pair 9). Phyllodytes presented variation for NORs position; they were in pair 2 in P. edelmoi, pair 7 in P. melanomystax, and pair 8 in P. gyrinaethes and P. praeceptor. Polymorphisms in size, number, and activity of this marker were observed for N. siemersi, Osteocephalus fuscifacies, and some species of Trachycephalus. Remarkably, in N. siemersi NORs were detected on a single chromosome in the two specimens studied by this technique, raising the question of how this complex polymorphism is maintained. Interstitial telomeric sequences were found in P. edelmoi, P. melanomystax, and Osteocephalus buckleyi, and their presence seems to be not related to the chromosome reorganization events. Finally, some species showed spontaneous rearrangements, possibly as a consequence of an uncommon phenomenon in anuran cytogenetics: the presence of fragile sites or secondary constrictions not associated with NORs. We propose that this rare feature would have played an important role in the evolution of this group of frogs. From the evidence obtained in this and previous studies, we conclude that Lophyohylini presents a complex chromosome evolution.

Novel Antimicrobial Cruzioseptin Peptides Extracted From The Splendid Leaf Frog, Cruziohyla Calcarifer

Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) constitute part of a broad range of bioactive compounds present on diverse organisms, including frogs. Peptides, produced in the granular glands of amphibian skin, constitute a component of their innate immune response, providing protection against pathogenic microorganisms. In this work, two novel cruzioseptins peptides, cruzi-oseptin-16 and -17, extracted from the splendid leaf frog Cruziohyla calcarifer are presented. These peptides were identified using molecular cloning and tandem mass spectrometry. Later, peptides were synthetized using solid-phase peptide synthesis, and their minimal inhibitory concentration and haemolytic activity were tested. Furthermore, these two cruzioseptins plus three previously reported (CZS-1, CZS-2, CZS-3) were computationally characterized. Results show that cruzioseptins are 21–23 residues long alpha helical cationic peptides, with antimicrobial activity against E. coli, S. aureus, and C. albicans and low haemolytic efect. Docking results agree with the principal action mechanism of cationic AMPs that goes through cell membrane disruption due to electrostatic interactions between cationic residues in the cruzioseptins and negative phosphate groups in the pathogen cell membrane. An action mechanism through enzymes inhibition was also tried, but no conclusive results about this mechanism were obtained.

Molecular modeling of four Dermaseptin-related Peptides of the gliding tree frog Agalychnis Spurrelli

In this research, we present a preliminary computational study of four Dermaseptin-related peptides from the skin exudate of the gliding tree frog Agalychnis spurrelli. Experimentally, the amino acid sequence of these peptides was elucidated through molecular cloning and tandem mass spectrometry and synthetic peptides were assayed against E. coli, S. aureus, and C. albicans to determine their antimicrobial properties. With the sequences on hand, a computational study of the structures was carried out, obtaining their physicochemical properties, secondary structure, and their similarity to other known peptides. A molecular docking study of these peptides was also performed against cell membrane and several enzymes are known to be vital for the organisms. Results showed that Dermaseptin-related peptides are α-helical cationic peptides with an isoelectric point above 9.70 and a positive charge of physiological pH. Introducing theses peptides in a database, it was determined that their identity compared with known peptides range from 36 to 82% meaning these four Dermaseptins are novel peptides. This preliminary study of molecular docking suggests the mechanism of action of this peptide is not given by the inhibition of essential enzymatic pathways, but by cell lysis.

Modelamiento molecular de la Dermaseptina Sp2 extraída de Agalychnis Spurrelli

En esta investigación se presenta un estudio computacional de la dermaseptina SP2 (DRS-SP2) extraída de exudado de la piel de la rana Agalychnis spurrelli. Ensayos experimentales han permitido extraer, puri?car y obtener la secuencia de aminoácidos de este péptido, además de demostrar sus propiedades antimicrobianas contra Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus y Candida albicans. Con la secuencia dilucidada, se realizó un estudio computacional de la estructura obteniéndose sus propiedades físicoquímicas, su estructura secundaria y su similitud con otros péptidos conocidos. Además,se realizó el acoplamiento molecular de este péptido con la membrana celular y varias enzimas conocidas para suprimir a estos microorganismos. Los resultados muestran que la DRS-SP2 es un péptido catiónico α-helicoidal con un punto isoeléctrico de 10,68 y carga positiva +3 a pH ?siológico. Se determinó que su estructura es diferente a todas las dermaseptinas que se encuentran en bases de datos llegando a un porcentaje de identidad máximo del 80 %. Estudios de acoplamiento molecular sugieren que el mecanismo de acción de este péptido no se da por la inhibición de vías enzimáticas vitales para el microorganismo, sino por lisis celular.

Unravelling the skin secretion peptides of the gliding leaf frog, Agalychnis Spurrelli (Hylidae)

Frog skin secretions contain medically-valuable molecules, which are useful for the discovery of new biopharmaceuticals. The peptide profile of the skin secretion of Agalychnis spurrelli has not been investigated; therefore, the structural and biological characterization of its compounds signify an inestimable opportunity to acquire new biologically-active chemical scaffolds. In this work, skin secretion from this amphibian was analysed by molecular cloning and tandem mass spectrometry. Although the extent of this work was not exhaustive, eleven skin secretion peptides belonging to five peptide families were identified. Among these, we report the occurrence of two phyllokinins, and one medusin-SP which were previously reported in other related species. In addition, eight novel peptides were identified, including four dermaseptins, DRS-SP2 to DRS-SP5, one phylloseptin-SP1, and three orphan peptides. Phylloseptin-SP1 and dermaseptins-SP2 were identified in HPLC fractions based on their molecular masses determined by MALDI-TOF MS. Among the antimicrobial peptides, dermaseptin-SP2 was the most potent, inhibiting Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and ORSA with a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 2.68 μM, and Candida albicans with an MIC of 10.71 μM, without haemolytic effects. The peptides described in this study represent but a superficial glance at the considerable structural diversity of bioactive peptides produced in the skin secretion of A. spurrelli.

Chromosome Evolution In Lophyohylini (Amphibia, Anura, Hylinae)

The hyline tribe Lophyohylini includes 87 species of treefrogs, of which cytogenetics aspects have been studied in less than 20% of them. In order to evaluate the evolution of some of its chromosome characters (NOR position, C-bands, and DAPI/CMA bands), we studied the karyotypes of 21 lophyohylines, 16 of them for the first time, and analyzed them in a phylogenetic context. Most species showed similar karyotypes regarding chromosome number (2n = 24) and morphology (FN = 48), excepting Phyllodytes edelmoi and Osteocephalus buckleyi with 2n = 22 (FN = 44) and 2n = 28 (FN = 50), respectively. The NOR location was variable among species and provided valuable phylogenetic information. This marker was located in pair 11 in all species of Trachycephalus, Itapotihyla langsdorffii, and Nyctimantis arapapa, representing the plesiomorphic condition of Lophyohylini. Besides, other apomorphic states were recovered for the clades comprising N. rugiceps and N. siemersi (NOR in pair 5), and Dryaderces pearsoni, Osteocephalus, and Osteopilus (NOR in pair 9). Phyllodytes presented variation for NORs position; they were in pair 2 in P. edelmoi, pair 7 in P. melanomystax, and pair 8 in P. gyrinaethes and P. praeceptor. Polymorphisms in size, number, and activity of this marker were observed for N. siemersi, Osteocephalus fuscifacies, and some species of Trachycephalus. Remarkably, in N. siemersi NORs were detected on a single chromosome in the two specimens studied by this technique, raising the question of how this complex polymorphism is maintained. Interstitial telomeric sequences were found in P. edelmoi,P. melanomystax, and Osteocephalus buckleyi, and their presence seems to be not related to the chromosome reorganization events.

The Effect Of Captivity On The Skin Microbial Symbionts In Three Atelopus Species From The Lowlands Of Colombia And Ecuador

Many amphibian species are at risk of extinction in their natural habitats due to the presence of the fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd). For the most highly endangered species, captive assurance colonies have been established as an emergency measure to avoid extinction. Experimental research has suggested that symbiotic microorganisms in the skin of amphibians play a key role against Bd. While previous studies have addressed the effects of captivity on the cutaneous bacterial community, it remains poorly studied whether and how captive conditions affect the proportion of beneficial bacteria or their anti-Bd performance on amphibian hosts. In this study we sampled three amphibian species of the highly threatened genus, Atelopus, that remain in the wild but are also part of ex situ breeding programs in Colombia and Ecuador. Our goals were to (1) estimate the diversity of culturable bacterial assemblages in these three species of Atelopus, (2) describe the effect of captivity on the composition of skin microbiota, and (3) examine how captivity affects the bacterial ability to inhibit Bd growth. Using challenge assays we tested each bacterial isolate against Bd, and through sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene, we identified species from thirteen genera of bacteria that inhibited Bd growth. Surprisingly, we did not detect a reduction in skin bacteria diversity in captive frogs.